Welcome to January 2022 and a very Happy New Year.
When I was a Girl Guide, a role I took most seriously (!) my Guider wrote in my autograph book “Your life lies before you, like a sheet of driven snow. Be careful how you tread on it, for every mark will show” and I’ve never forgotten it as it’s so true, especially at the beginning of a New Year.
What a privilege to be embarking on a whole new year and even though in many respects we’ve had to yet again take our hands off of the wheel as we navigate our way around uncertainty and a foggy landscape, we ARE here and it reminds me of the beautiful story of the eighty five year man who was listening to a bunch of people complaining about January…how long it is, how dark it is, how cold it is, how hard it is, how they needed to diet, sign up to a gym, make resolutions they know they won’t keep and so on. His retort was “I am an 85-year-old man, which means I’ve had just 85 January’s so far and I don’t know how many more I will have, maybe 5, 10 at the most if I’m fortunate, so I am going to enjoy each and every day of this month and not gallop through, because I’ll never have this January ever again.
Isn’t that the most wonderful philosophy? I don’t know about you, but I am truly going to embrace that thought and ENJOY, not endure this January, indeed every month this year ahead. You don’t have to have every part of your future mapped out with certainty before you can get on with living in the now.

In TEMPLESPA we cherish the wellness message of our brand and with our central mantra which is LIVE, BREATHE, LOVE WHO YOU ARE there’s never a better time to embark on the year ahead and take on the NEW YEAR BE YOU message. We’re familiar with the New Year New You phrase, but that can feel like such hard work! There’s a natural fresh start to January in that Christmas and seasonal festivities are behind us, the decorations have been put away, the fridges have been emptied of tempting treats and it’s a natural re-start to all things healthy in mind, body and spirit.

I find January a great month to hunker down and snuggle in with some good books. I’ve read a passage of the Bible every day for years now, but a friend bought me I HEAR HIS WHISPER for Christmas, and it is 365 daily scripture meditations so an easy way to get that daily spiritual uplift. As a businesswoman I’m always interested in reading books that give me good leadership input; one of my January tasks is preparing for our TEMPLESPA national leadership conference and I’m looking forward to starting DARE TO LEAD by the brilliant Brene Brown, this will give me fodder for sure. I’m in the skincare space so something that always lifts me is reading a few chapters of Marian Keyes MAKING IT UP AS I GO ALONG, her wit and prose is a LOL moment all the way through and the novel I’m hoping to finish this month is the new Liane Moriarty APPLES NEVER FALL, I love everything she’s ever written.
So dear friends, I wish you a wonderful January and send my love and best wishes for an amazing year, stay well, safe, healthy and blessed.
Liz xx