Anti-Ageing Routine & Guide
We all know that to avoid premature ageing, protecting our skin from the sun’s harmful rays and drinking lots of water are just some of the sensible steps to take. However, to keep your skin looking youthful and radiant also requires following a good anti-ageing skin care routine and paying attention to your skins needs which tend to change as you get older. Morning and night, using high quality anti-ageing skin care products formulated to nourish and protect skin will help to delay the inevitable ageing process. Fortunately, it is never too early or too late to start benefiting from looking after your skin and preventing signs of ageing, so follow our anti-ageing routine and guide to invest in young, glowing skin today.
Anti-Ageing Routine
Follow this basic anti-ageing skin care routine to keep your skin in tip top shape and to protect it from premature ageing. For more detailed care and products for your age group see our anti-ageing skin care guide further below.
Morning Routine...
1. Cleanse your skin with a cleanser that contains anti-ageing ingredients.
2. Moisturise your skin to prevent dehydration. Be sure to use a day moisturiser with an SPF factor in order to protect your skin from the sun.
3. Don’t forget to treat eyes as the area around eyes is often the first to show signs of ageing.
Night Routine...
1. Cleanse your skin and once a week use a good exfoliating cleanser to deep cleanse and remove dead skin cells, helping skin keep bright and clear
2. Use a serum before your night moisturiser to further hydrate your skin and help combat hyperpigmentation, lines and wrinkles
3. Moisturise using a moisturiser enriched with vitamins to support the skin healing process and repair any damage to your skin
4. Treat eyes with an eye cream that will reduce frown lines and crows feet, reduce dark circles and puffiness and tighten and brighten.
Anti-Ageing Guide
Your skin will change over time with ageing and hormonal factors coming into play. Find out below how to meet your skins needs each decade and protect it from further ageing; helping your skin looks young and bright, all day and every day of your life.
In your 20s | Anti Ageing Skin Care Guide
Starting young to protect your skin and prevent signs of ageing can only be a good thing. Although you are likely to be looking young and fresh faced at this time in your life, your skin would have already have started to thin by the time you reached 18 years old. Of course, not smoking, reducing the amount of alcohol you drink and avoiding hours of sun worshipping in your 20’s will play a large part in protecting your skin from damage, but so will some basic skin care steps. Using a daily facial sunscreen under your moisturiser is a vital step to take to avoid the effects of harmful UV rays. Also, make sure you invest in a good moisturiser with a high level of antioxidants. Moisturiser itself will aid the hydration of your skin and slow down the formation of wrinkles and fine lines, whereas the added antioxidants will help to repair damage caused by free radicals.
In Your 30s | Anti Ageing Skin Care Guide
In your 30s you will most likely be noticing changes in your skin texture and skin tone. Your skin doesn’t repair itself as well as it did in your 20s due to a change in hormones and so needs more of a helping hand to stay young and healthy. Wrinkles around your eyes will be more prominent and therefore starting to use a high quality anti-ageing eye cream is highly recommended. To help combat the loss of elasticity in your skin also try to use an anti-ageing cream that helps to boost the production of collagen, a protein that keeps skin plump and youthful. Keep moisturising and using a sunscreen too as these are important at any age.
In Your 40s | Anti Ageing Skin Care Guide
In your 40s, your skin can look noticeably saggy. In addition to this skin cells rejuvenate less quickly and this means skin can take on a duller and uneven complexion. Therefore choosing a suitable moisturiser is one of the best presents you can give to your skin especially if it contains breakthrough ingredients to boost collagen production, and gets back that youthful glow! For added hydration use a good facial mask weekly and start using a serum to combat any dryness you may be starting to experience. Again, keep protecting your skin from the sun.
In Your 50s, 60s & 70s | Anti Ageing Skin Care Guide
Moisturising your skin has never been so important as in your 50s, 60s and 70s. Your skin is likely to have become much drier and need a higher level of hydration than when you were younger. Therefore make sure you choose a good anti-ageing moisturiser that regulates moisture levels and even protects from age spots and hyper-pigmentation that can also occur in your 50s. To ensure further hydration use an anti-aging serum before you apply your moisturiser.
At this age your facial pores will have enlarged quite a bit so it is imperative to make sure you use a good cleanser to remove makeup before going to bed. Why not also consider using a beautiful deep cleansing facial scrub once a week just to make sure you are keeping those pores squeaky clean and fresh? Exfoliating a little more, at least 3 times a week with a luxurious exfoliation cream will help to remove dead cells and give you that fresh look back. Of course, it goes without saying, keep protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.