Be Breast Aware
Love Your Breasts
Be Breast Aware.
The earlier the detection of breast cancer, the better the chance of beating it, so girls, become breast aware! In fact, it is women doing checks at home who find most cases of breast cancer.
Whatever your gorgeous age is, it’s good to make breast checks a monthly habit. Did you know that the risk increases with age, so if you are over 50, you’ll get an invitation for free breast screening every three years up to the age of 70. And even if you are beautifully over 70, you are still entitled to free breast screening (just ask your local screening service or doctor).
Being breast aware simply means knowing what is Normal For You, looking out for unusual changes and getting anything checked out by your doctor. You may normally feel breast tissue changes or pain before or during your periods. This is why it’s important to check your breasts regularly so you get to know how they look and feel at different times of the month, and can notice any changes that are unusual for you.
Changes To Look Out For Include:
- A new lump or lumpiness, especially in one breast only.
- A change in shape or size of the breast, e.g. one might become larger or lower.
- A change in skin texture such as puckering or dimpling.
- A change in colour – e.g. redness.
- An unusual persistent pain.
- An unusual nipple discharge, rash, crusting, ulcers or inversion (turned in).
- An unusual thickening of the breast tissue that doesn’t go away.
Breast Checks Are Easy!
No one knows your body better than you and everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes – there’s no special technique and you don’t need any training. Below are some tips, but the best check of all is a regular one. Get in the habit of doing this maybe when you’re in the bath or shower, or while getting dressed in the morning.
1. Look
Stand with your hands by your sides or on your hips and look front-on into a mirror. Look at the shape and appearance of each breast and nipple. Get to know what is normal for you.
2. Arms Up
Raise your arms above your head and look for changes in the shape of your breast, including the armpit area and upper chest. Turn your body and look at both sides too
3. Feel
Feel for lumps in each breast, nipple area, chest and under arms. You could also do this lying down.